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Team Sponsorship Opportunities

Pine Forge has various sponsorships available to businesses or individuals who would like to support our programs.

  • Team sponsorships are $300 per team
  • We have sponsorship opportunities for several of our fundraising events.  Our next event is the September Golf Tournament.
  • Field signs at any of our Douglass (Berks) Township complex are $350 for the first year, and $200 for following years.

Click here for sponsorship opportunities!


Spring 2025 Registration

Registration for our Spring 2025 season opens just after midnight January 1st (Happy New Year!)

We have a big change for 2025, TBall is now open to boys and girls who are 4 years old on or before April 30th, 2025!

Click here to register!

Youth Baseball and Softball

Pine Forge Athletic Association has been honored to provide boys and girls from Boyertown and surrounding communities, the opportunity to play baseball and softball for over 50 years!

Our Programs

  • Cal Ripken is a baseball program for 5-12 year old players
  • Babe Ruth is a baseball program for 13-18 year old players
  • Softball is a girls softball program for 5-18 year old players

We also offer both baseball and softball tournament/travel programs.

For more information on when practices begin, number of practices/games per week, and possible times, please see the details by clicking on the appropriate tab at the top of the page.

Contact Us

Pine Forge Athletic Association

Phone: 610 369-0303